Tuning In – Sandy Miranda

Tuning In

MARCH 2022



Taught from an early age to be “seen and not heard,” Sandy Miranda has long been searching for her voice.

From humble beginnings as a shy girl yearning to escape  her dysfunctional family to finding herself pregnant and alone at age 18, follow Sandy’s journey of self-discovery as she puts herself through college, finds work at a nascent Apple Computer in Silicon Valley, and then has a life-changing experience at Esalen at age 43. As she  goes on to become a successful broadcaster, will her ground-breaking radio programs on music, culture, and spirituality help her finally overcome her fears of being heard, both on and off the air? 

“How marvelous to be reminded of that magical moment at Esalen 35 years ago when we were gathered to celebrate Joseph Campbell. It was there that you embraced the “call to adventure”, not yet knowing that you would profoundly enrich the lives of thousands of radio listeners by transmitting the most brilliant and spirited world music of our time over the airwaves, performed by countless musicians who are living cultural treasures. Campbell’s wise words rightly predicted that the way to change the world is to vitalize yourself, to find the source of life and to share it.  Thank you for all you have given us over the years on your spirited heroine’s journey.”

Joan Marler,  Founder/Executive Director, Institute of Archaeomythology;
 Former poetry director and KPFA programmer, “Voices of Vision”

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MORE Praise for Tuning in

“Tuning In is the story of someone in search, not of a job, but of a calling. That calling was radio. Sandy Miranda has been that joyful voice over the airwaves that brought the music, culture, and philosophy of the World to us for over thirty years. As a Mauian, I’m extremely grateful to Sandy for her particular dedication to the mele and mo`olelo of our dear Hawai`i. Tuning In is no ka oi.”

Wayne Moniz, author/playwright of Pukoko:
A Hawaiian in the American Civil War
 (novel) and 
Barefoot Boy in the Mango Tree: A Memoir of Maui and Me.

“Sandy introduced herself to me at Arhoolie Records. She was obviously a dedicated spirit for promoting earthy music. She was doing a program at Berkeley’s KPFA and in 1993, she volunteered to run the new control board during my two-hour Sunday show. We featured old and new releases of vernacular music as well as local and visiting performers and personalities covering all kinds of ethic and regional genres. Sandy also helped put “down-home music” on the air on a number of Bay Area stations. She attended a Folk Alliance conference in Memphis where I was very enthused by a wild string and vocal trio from Hungary called Csokolom and she helped me record them at Sun Records the next day. Sandy continues to be an avid devotee of the real music. This book will make interesting reading!”

Chris Strachwitz, Arhoolie Records founder and president of The Arhoolie Foundation;
1999 inductee to the Blues Hall of Fame; 2000 recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship
from the National Endowment for the Arts; 2016 recipient of the Grammy Trustee’s Award in
recognition of his Outstanding Recording Contributions.

“Beloved radio host Sandy Miranda takes readers on an insightful journey that chronicles a life lived in Technicolor and surround sound. Her intrepid search for purpose, knowledge, love, and adventure takes us from behind the scenes in the early days of Silicon Valley to the broadcast studios of public radio and the meditation rooms and hot tubs of the Human Potential movement—then to the shores of Hawai`i. This is the story of an iconic time and place, observed with wit and hard-won wisdom by a courageous woman who has created the soundtrack for her own life.”

Pamela Michael, writer, radio producer, founder of Center for Environmental Literacy
at St. Mary’s College, co-founder (with Robert Hass) of River of Words.

“An intriguing memoir and inspiring story of a women’s healing self-recovery and transformation, plus lots of good stories about musicians, music, and concerts, all with a global reach.”

—Mara Lynn Keller, PhDProfessor Emerita of Philosophy and Religion and Women’s Spirituality
MA/PhD Program, California Institute of Integral Studies

“I was moved by Sandy’s book as I followed her transformation from the darkness of her past into her present day of light and healing. She has a gift for sharing her Aloha by connecting us world musicians to her vast base of listeners, giving us a platform to share not only our music but also our stories and culture. Mahalo, Sandy.”

George Kahumoku Jr. Native Hawaiian Practitioner, farmer, musician, mentor,
Professor emeritus University of Hawaii, Maui College Institute of Hawaiian Music,
Lahainaluna High School teacher of “at risk” students, fine arts artist, writer,
publisher, recording artist, and recipient of four Grammys.

“Sandy Miranda’s natural ebullience and continued curiosity with the natural world is what makes her an engaging storyteller and radio programmer. Tuning In is an affirmation of facing and conquering life’s challenges through the power of connection, creativity, and glorious music.”

Michele Flannery, KPFA Music Director emerita

“How marvelous to be reminded of that magical moment at Esalen 35 years ago when we were gathered to celebrate Joseph Campbell. It was there that you embraced the “call to adventure”, not yet knowing that you would profoundly enrich the lives of thousands of radio listeners by transmitting the most brilliant and spirited world music of our time over the airwaves, performed by countless musicians who are living cultural treasures. Campbell’s wise words rightly predicted that the way to change the world is to vitalize yourself, to find the source of life and to share it.  Thank you for all you have given us over the years on your spirited heroine’s journey.”

—Joan Marler.  Founder/Executive Director, Institute of Archaeomythology; 
Former poetry director and KPFA programmer, “Voices of Vision.”

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